• 7 May 2010

    Pay Attention and Learn Lessons from Each Journey

    Family after family in the Autistic Community find it increasingly difficult to maintain the financial support they need to raise their autistic child or children. The reasons are many. Some just do not live in states that have programs geared ...
    • 26 Mar 2010

    My Journey Continues...

    Hello, ASNr's. I'm baaaaack! What?! Where'd I go, you ask? Well... I took some time off to go see my (now) fiancee, Morna, in Thailand. We both decided Bangkok would be a cool place to not only spend some quality time together (shopping, ...
    • 4 Jan 2010

    Just One Mission

    There are many levels of neurodiversity. For some neurodiverse individuals, the complexities of their conditions may cause them physical or emotional stress on a moment by moment basis, where as with others, they may, mentally, find a way to cope. Wi...
    • 10 Dec 2009

    My Letter to the President

    (This is word for word an actual letter being sent to the White House as you are reading this.) To: President Obama Subject: Health care, Employment and Autism Dear Mr. President, I've never written to any president, but, I felt ...
    • 7 Nov 2009

    A Man

    I am not afraid to do work I don't like in order to feed my family. I will physically put myself in harms way to protect my family and those I deeply love. With deep thought, reason and spiritual guidance, I direct a path ...
    • 21 Oct 2009

    Talk Less. Do more.

    It's been a while since I've blogged simply because I'm actually busy with the tangible change that's needed across the board when dealing with the Autistic Community. This is the most difficult and unforgiving work I've ever done...
    • 30 Aug 2009

    I've Learned My Time Is Valuable, Too.

    I'll get to my Canada trip to ANCA Consulting momentarily. I first want to acknowledge that I've been absent but, for good reason. I'm not much of a writer but, became one out of necessity. I feel it's important to l...
    • 31 Jul 2009

    My Invite to Canada: The Journey Continues...

    I recently visited a place called ANCA Consulting headquartered in Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada. I didn't know what to expect really. I spoke with Leonora and Charlie Collura by phone and via the Internet video phone service, Sky...
    • 11 Jul 2009

    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Right?

    It's 3:43 am Saturday morning right now. Earlier, at 1:44 am, I heard a "smash" and breaking glass in my living room . Someone has vandalized my home, my office, where I headquarter the Aid for Autistic Child...
    • 27 Jun 2009

    A Unique Community Coming Together!

    Okay, everyone. Where do I begin? It's been a block buster month or so for me and my family. If the hunger strike wasn't enough attention, I'm having to recover from it while fielding calls from Internet radio hosts clam...
    • 21 Jun 2009

    Workin' Like a Hebrew Slave!

    This raising funds stuff is NOT so easy during tough economic times! However, I'm not throwing in the towel yet. I've got a simple plan: A lot of people chipping in a little. It's so simple it's scary! Okay.&...
    • 11 Jun 2009

    A Society Moved Only By Provocative Moments in Time

    I chose to fast (hunger strike) because I knew it was going to get attention. Thankfully, it did and I've made further headway by now having direct communication with journalists who are interested in the Autism Community's stories as w...
    • 10 Jun 2009

    Autism Community Outreach

    I'll be going to Woodfield Academy tomorrow to visit with the headmaster, Becky Sessions, here locally in Macon, Georgia to encourage her with my own story about how my Mom's decision to try non-traditional things with me and my siblings help...
    • 9 Jun 2009

    AACF, Inc. Application for Debt Relief Grant Is Complete

    I've finally finished the non-profits application that will allow up to 30 households a year to access no more than 150,000 USD for debt relief. For those just tuning in, the purpose for the fund is to provide relief from debt incurred beca...
    • 8 Jun 2009

    Let the Changing of the Message Begin!

    Now it's time for the real work to begin. I'm putting the finishing touches on the application for funds as you are reading this. This is not easy. I'm doing this all by samples, examples and gut common sense. I wa...
    • 5 Jun 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day 30! - I'm done!

    ...and here's why. My local news here in Macon, Georgia "finally" decided to cover this event. I think they just wanted to wait until the last day. Anyway, my phone has been ringing off the hook from parents, grandparent...
    • 3 Jun 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-nine - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    I feel great today! Must have just had a bad morning yesterday. I changed up my juice and fluid intake and slept a full 8 hours. Just one more day and I will officially call this fast a success. I hope I kept the conversation ...
    • 2 Jun 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-eight - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Not feeling very good at all. Combination of pains, head, stomach, abdomin, sinus inflamation(?). Anyway, not gonna communicate much today. Still not gonna quit. Mission still safe. Blog on: Tuesday, June 02, 2...
    • 1 Jun 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-seven - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Head is hurting still. Need rest, really. Pushing to hard. Gonna rest. Blog on: Monday, June 01, 2009 @ 15:12 EST
    • 1 Jun 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-six - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Normally I would have something intelligent to say. Today I'm just trying to keep my eyes open. My head is hurting and my mood is sour. Regardless, I still will not give up this fight to be heard. I may have already made this ...
    • 30 May 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-five - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Here it is! Day 25! I will really be happy when I don't have to continue this, but, if anyone read my book yet, you know I will not stop until me and some of my Aspie colleagues are on a national program engaging the general public in...
    • 29 May 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-four - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Sleep was not good at all. I'm rested and that's good. I had to cut it short because I was feeling as if I would not remain conscious should I stay asleep. Not good. I'm much weaker and my appearance is thin but no...
    • 28 May 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-three - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Sorry I missed posting Day 22. I know I've posted it somewhere. Anyway, I'm doing fine. I'm definitely seeing and feeling the effects of this hunger strike. Still trying to draw national attention to the lack of ...
    • 26 May 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty-one - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    Sorry about this blog. I am having more trouble trying to sleep. I've been forcing myself to lay in bed for the past few days but, no good. My next update video will be on day 25 of my fast. I know it looks as though there...
    • 25 May 2009

    Hunger Strike: Day Twenty - Fundraising for Autism Aid

    This is what I've been holding out for folks! My 20th day of fasting for Autism Aid. I say it all here in the video. Check it out: Peace & Love, Michael Buckholtz Blog on: Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 17:3...