A Unique Community Coming Together!

 Okay, everyone.  Where do I begin?  It's been a block buster month or so for me and my family.  If the hunger strike wasn't enough attention, I'm having to recover from it while fielding calls from Internet radio hosts clamoring to get me on their programs.  I'm SO thankful that the interest in an Aspie adults story like mine is receiving attention.  I want the world at large to know that it's important to teach and coach beyond whatever label some doctor gives your child.  Yes, the diagnosis addresses the fact that you have to be mindful of the nuances of a specific condition but, that does not relinquish natural parental nurturing power.  The parents will always know best.  Never believe the chatter that you are less qualified to care for your autistic child because you don't have a PhD or MD at the end of your name. 

For those of you parents that are sick and tired of those same professionals not listening to you after you've given them an abject lesson on how to best teach or coach your autistic child, you are not alone.  Many parents are simply beat down by educators, social workers and other officials threatening them with removing their child(ren) from a loving home if they don't comply with the teaching practices they want to enforce.  For you, it's probably time to take matters into your own hands and home school.  Yes, this is a difficult move that may require resigning from a job or at the least reducing work to part-time. 

None of what families coping with autism go through is easy.  I know this first hand.  That's why I started the Aid for Autistic Children Foundation.  Equally as important, there needed to be a place where parents, autistic children, autistic adults and others interested in this organic grassroots movement to change the direction of the autism conversation could congregate without the fear of reprisal.  That place is here at Autism Support Network.  I see ASN as the combination MySpace and Facebook specifically designed for the Autism Community.  Here, we can speak freely, share, receive advice and most of all support one another. 

I'm gonna soon be embarking on rejuvenating my recording career.  I am being inundated with requests to go back to what I do best: music.  I have to agree.  A great deal of the requests are coming from tweens and teens!  I am humbled and pleased to oblige!  I will be dedicating the next 4 months to putting together the first EP single from my new CD, "Foundation".  It's a fitting title because I am, in fact, building the foundation for fans to enjoy some new music from me.  Also a literal foundation for the autism community's benefit to relieve their debt load.  And a foundation for the young generation coming up to no longer hide in the shadows but, to speak eloquently through their talents about autism and how it does not stop them from being a complete, productive, loving and successful human being socially engaged in making our society better.  More updates to come on this whole music thing...


Peace & Love,

Michael Buckholtz


Blog on:  Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 00:59 EST