Talk Less. Do more.

It's been a while since I've blogged simply because I'm actually busy with the tangible change that's needed across the board when dealing with the Autistic Community. This is the most difficult and unforgiving work I've ever done, but, it's also the most rewarding. I've gained new friends, learned new ways to communicate ideas and it has completely transformed my thinking concerning the value we all bring to the societies we live in.


Yeah, I still think we have a long way to go, but, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I don't think it's a train coming at me! Social networks like this one have helped me to reach out to news organizations, other philanthropists and many hard working people across the globe. I'm relieved the hear that we all, pretty much, seek the same things in life. We just want some peace so that we can enjoy our own personal happiness. We can all connect and talk to each other until we're blue in the face or our fingers cramp up from typing, but, in addition to conversing, we need to be proactive, step outside of the box and just do something.


If each one of us does something to help another, that's, like, 6 billion worth of people power!  Now I know not everyone can do something. That's the point, actually. That "something" we do doesn't have to be grand or magnificent. Grand and magnificent are completely relative when you're talking about helping someone in need. Providing clothes for someone who lost their home in a fire may not be grand like raising hundreds of millions of dollars for the biggest corporate autism organization, but, it's certainly grand and magnificent to that family. Not only that, you'd be helping them right now. That's really doing something.


I'm currently working with the Dan Marino Foundation and Holly Robinson-Peete's non-profit, HollyRod4Kids. I'm actually being asked to give my expertise and provide the service AACF, Inc. offers. This is ground breaking for us here because I did everything from scratch. I literally started with... (wait for it...) nothing.  I'm going to share with you the latest thing I've done which is to introduce the October discussion point courtesy of the Dan Marino Foundation. As you are reading this, I'm working with the HollyRod4Kids organization to help a particular family in need. This will be the first of many families to be helped hopefully before years end. This is actually sooner than I had planned to be helping anyone. The plan was January 2010. I guess someone wants me to give a lot sooner. Wonder who that might be? Hmmm.




Peace & L☮ve,

Michael Buckholtz

  • Michael,

    The video is great - I love it!  I feel so lucky to have found this site, you have no idea.

    -Kim Baker


  • Hi Michael  It is great to see you back on here, I have wondered where you have been.  Great to see you are still very pro active and are achieving your dreams, and are now helping people.  It must be the greatest feeling ever and you deserve all the success, and I hope you got your weight back up after your starvation and are ok.

    Take Care   Sandra

  • Wooooonderful Michael. You did a fantastic job in this video. How do you just reach out and touch people so calmly and effective like that? You have  such a gift. I'm proud that you are using it for such great reasons.

    All my love and support,


  • Kim, Josie, Sandra - I'm so happy to just be doing what I intended to do for the Autistic Community. There is little to no support for what it is I'm doing. The entire planet's economy has changed thanks to complicated bank derivitaves (better known as "credit default swaps") where banks bet against each other to see who will have the most gains or losses based on the credit they've extended to consumers. It's instant money generated through NO productivity. More banks are STILL failing and it's difficult to build up this "SafetyNet" so desperately needed for the Autistic Community. I think I'm building up some momentum, though, to get to the goal I've set for Aid for Autistic Children Foundation, Inc. As I've said, it's SO not easy, but, what worthwhile thing is?

  • Tivah - You've been my biggest fan from the beginning! You are the very first person to have purchased my book! The FIRST! I'm just gonna continue to push myself and stay outside of this "box" as long as I can, get as comfortable as I can, speak as much as I can, make as many appearances as I can... what happens from this point on is up to me. I will always need help and support, but, ultimately it will come down to what each of us do individually to change things for the better. NO MORE EXCUSES FOR ME!  It's up to us. It's up to me.

  • This is wonderful Michael, I have followed your blog since I joined and I am really impressed with your motivation both heart and soul.  You've thrown your all in and eventually I believe you will reap your rewards.  I don't know where you get your energy from?

    On the topic of discrimination, yes I have grown up with racial discrimination when I was younger.  New Zealand is a little country but there has always been ethnic discrimination of some sort hiding in the shadows.  I am a bit of a melting pot with my background.  Portugese, Maori, Scottish, Irish and Germanic. I don't look typically Maori, more Lebanese or Egyptian apparently, but while I was growing up, if you weren't white you were nothing.  Fortunately things have changed here in NZ, it took a while.

    I moved to Australia, lived there for nearly 18 years.  Australia is so multi cultural that it was easy for me to blend in.  Best thing I ever did.  Even now people still ask me what my ethnic background is, but they ask me only because I am difficult to pick, not because of discrimination.  

    Keep up the good work Michael.  I admire you for it.


  • No one believed what I was talking about concerning my health after I shared three night at the Australian Oasis in North Melbourne with a spinal surgeon of eight years from overseas.  The surgeon examined me free of charge and confirmed me that my left  Sacroi-illiac joint  was out of place and told me that the injury does not show up on Xrays, Cat Scan or MRI. This was three days to Melbourne Cup Day.  I told him it was a public holiday on Melbourne Cup Day and he described the injury to me in detail.  Specialists in Australia would not believe me, until Kylie a physiotherapist examined my website and examined me for over 50 minutes.  Her report is found on my website:-

    There are no www at start of my website thank you

    Now I am under a simular Phytherapist  Kylie referred me to in my own area.  Yes 8 years after the road accident

    Thank you