Feeling alone, None of my family understands married to Asperger Male


I have some Great books on Asperger's in Love and Asperger's Marriage but it seems that only in those books and in our therapists office do they understand what I am going through being married to my AS man. I love him a great deal and find joy with him every day. Some days I get frustrated and run out of patience and just need someone to call.

I call my Aunt and she says I am expecting to much out of a man and all men are that way. ARGH!!!! (she has been twice divorced) I can't call my Mom cause she has been three times divorced and says I have to just stick it out. I married a child and just have to deal.

I feel like they think all men are insensitive and angry and I just have to deal. I have other friends my age who I know well and they are married to reasonably sensitive guys who can step in and infer what is needed when someone is sick.

I feel like a single mother. I can't expect him to take care of our three year old when I am trying to get over a cold before the weekend is over.

When I get sick is when this really comes to a head. I HATE having to explain Asperger's to my Aunt and cousins to justify why I need the extra help with Christina. Just because Tom once in a while brings me a hot beverage in the morning and lets me sleep in somehow justifies his losing his temper with Christina and getting emotionally abusive. That I should worship him because I have it so good.

I have no good support and am feeling trapped, crazy, going out of my mind, I am the one in the wrong.
  • I feel the same as far as being trapped but on the outside, people do not see what I encounter and have encountered. I’ve been with my husband for over 10 years but married 3.5 years. I have filed for divorce due to him constantly ignoring me and he acts like this is his world and I just live in it. I wonder if he knew before we got married but never did anything about it. Coming from a place of zero knowledge on this, I thought he was an introvert and focused on his business as he’s very high functioning. Feeling so alone and At a loss, sad and still love him. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  • I feel the same as far as being trapped but on the outside, people do not see what I encounter and have encountered. I’ve been with my husband for over 10 years but married 3.5 years. I have filed for divorce due to him constantly ignoring me and he acts like this is his world and I just live in it. I wonder if he knew before we got married but never did anything about it. Coming from a place of zero knowledge on this, I thought he was an introvert and focused on his business as he’s very high functioning. Feeling so alone and At a loss, sad and still love him. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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