• Help!

    My son's behavior's are growing.  We are over 14 behaviors. Self-injurious and mostly towards women. I have tapped every resource my community has. And I don't know what else to do. Last night was the first time he broke my nose, and...
    • 6 Feb 2015
  • Where we are now...

    It's been a while since I last posted. Liam and I have both been very busy. I had surgery this December, and had a long recovery, but with the help and support of my family and Liam's therapist, we made it through the winter. Liam is still...
    • 1 Jun 2013
  • Much work, lots of progress.

    It's been many months since I last posted. Were fighting with the school, waiting to hear about getting a one on one.  We have made many strides. I decided it was worth fighting with the school, after Liam started receiving 6 hours of ABA...
    • 9 Apr 2012
  • Snowstorms, Electricity and Sensory Seekers.

    The day I dread is coming close.  The day (or days) we have no power.  They are saying we are going to have at least 12inches of snow, and there are already 2 inches bearing down on the leaved covered trees.  Our power lines run right ...
    • 28 Oct 2011
  • So much to do-

    I've been so busy.  My head is spinning. When I last updated, Liam was being tested for seizures.  All of the tests came back negative.  We never had the 24 hour EEG, as his neurologist and I feared he would never keep the leads...
    • 9 Oct 2011
  • Tending the Silence

    Having a non-communicative child presents a large assortment of difficulties.  I never knew how much I took language for granted until we had Liam.  I think any parent can relate to when they first have their new baby home, and the first ...
    • 24 Jun 2011
  • Nonverbal Confussion

    Neurotypicals would think that a child that speaks is 'verbal'. It is a word thrown around a lot in the Autism community, sometimes without much explanation. Speech and communication also have their own 'spectrum', if you will.  ...
    • 20 Jun 2011
  • 'The Cure' Debate

    I'm always amazed when I read or listen to people in the community 'discuss' the topic of the possibility of a 'cure'.  This topic brings up many issues, mind you- what causes Autism, what would be the best way to treat Autis...
    • 12 Jun 2011
  • Learning as we 'Go'

    We are have approached a new milestone in our journey with Liam.  It's one that any parent of a toddler approaches.  But ours seems to be presenting problems that even the most seasoned parent that we know is having trouble helping us w...
    • 1 Jun 2011
  • The Payoff of Speaking Up

    I have been keeping a 'Seizure Diary' every since the first episode I had witnessed a few weeks ago.  We took Liam to his pediatrician, who, left me unsatisfied, telling me I had witnessed 'autistic behavior'.  With the fa...
    • 22 May 2011
  • Up, up, and away.

    I see it more than I did before.  The eyes that are constantly fixated on the floor, a toy, or up at the sky.  It didn't really strike me as unusually or odd.  And then like being punch in the stomach, the air being forced out of m...
    • 12 May 2011
  • What Fish may Come

    We were at the Petco. today, buying supplies for our 'Dorothies'.  Liam loves his goldfish, and they were in need of some fish food.  I decided to pick up a bottom feeder for our tank, to add a special surprise for him to find, the ...
    • 6 May 2011
  • Pre-Preschool

    Where we live, we are very fortunate that school starts early.  We have had Early Interverntion since diagnoses, and now we are beginning the process of evaluations for preschool to see what needs Liam will need as far as assistance.  We ar...
    • 1 May 2011
  • Finding 'our voice'

    I need to start this entry with an introduction.  When I was a little girl, I had strange sensations that I was never able to explain. They were very frightening.  They made me feel very alone.  I remember trying to explain them to my ...
    • 28 Apr 2011
  • It is okay.

    I want to take a break from my normal rambles.  Take a deep breath, and take it all in.  I realized lately that I have finally come to an acceptance that everything is okay. It sounds strange the first time I utter those words.  I...
    • 26 Apr 2011
  • Our First Unfortunate Gathering

    We went to my 'in-laws' for Easter Diner.  It was our first family dinner since Liam had been diagnosed.  I was not looking forward to the outing, not because I don't enjoy my new family, but I knew that they were not going to b...
    • 25 Apr 2011
  • A calm before a storm?

    I just finished the paper work to get Liam started with preschool in the fall.  I am more than overwhelmed with anxiety.  In just a few months Early Intervention and PDC will be leaving our home and he will be off to preschool.  The Pe...
    • 18 Apr 2011
  • The Weight

    So here we are.  I still find my self crying at night.  Not because I'm sad that my son is on 'the spectrum'.  He is no different than he was the day before.  I cry because I find myself overwhelmed with all of t...
    • 30 Mar 2011
  • Where to start?

    My story isn't different from many others, I suppose, but right now it feels that way.  My son, Liam, was born a healthy boy.  We had our difficulties like any new parent would.  He was (and still is) very picky about he ate. ...
    • 20 Mar 2011