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  • Face of Autism

    Original Photography by ©Pamela N. Brown
  • The Last Sunrise

    A cool morning breeze drifts across the water of the gulf, and the mid-September sun begins to glint on the horizon. Just a little peek of light shimmers across the water from eternity to a few feet below and in front of her. Her long legs dangle from...
  • You

    You are the sun A bright light That shines deep Within my heart A lucid warmth That brings forth Hope of a new day You are the wind A gentle zephyr That blows against My cold skin A warm breeze That slowly dries My tear stained eyes You are the...
  • UIL Journalism

    Damien is off to his first UIL competition. He was approached by the school and asked to represent Cooper in journalism (editorial writing and headline writing). He has been studying so hard all week and seemed a bit nervous this morning. I don't...
  • A Boy and His Cat

    Original Artwork by ©Pamela N. Brown Damien A. Brown & Princess
  • Damienism #49

    "You know. When I was in kindergarten, I hated writing to celebrities and waiting for an answer. I wrote to George Washington and never got a letter back." ~ Damien A. Brown
  • Boy and His Cat

    Original Photography by ©Pamela N. Brown
  • My Boys

    Dylan D is for all the Dreams I have for you. Y is for the Youth you have brought me. L is for the Love I feel for you. A is for the Admiration I see in your eyes. N is for Never letting me down. ©Pamela N. Brown Damien D is for the Dreams...
  • Damien @ 9

    Original Photography by ©Pamela N. Brown
  • Lesson Learned

    Damien learned a very valuable lesson yesterday. He had to sign a song for his American Sign Language (ASL) class. The teacher had told him before Christmas break about the video and let him know it was due on January 15. Damien had forgotten about the...
  • Damienism #46

    The boys are cracking me up. Dylan is trying to teach Damien how to speak properly. He is making Damien say all kinds of words with v in them and trying to get Damien to say /v/ instead of /f/. And, he's also making Damien say words that start with...
  • Damien's Commercial

    Damien won a local competition with the chance to go on an all expense paid trip to Beaumont as a special guest to Gator Country. When we got there, Gary and Kent, the stars of Gator 911, took us on a tour of the facilities, allowed Damien and Dylan to...
  • Damiemism

    "I know what it feels like to be happy. Your face is all stretched out." ~ Damien A. Brown
  • Regression

    Progress regression has been my biggest fear with Damien since he was first diagnosed. I often feel that we have this autism thing licked, and my son will be living on his own before too long. Then, something happens that makes me fear that Damien will...
  • Accident

    Okay, so on the way to taking the boys to school, there was a white Charger in front of me. Our light turned green, and she just sat there because she was distracted. She finally made her turn but couldn't keep her car in her lane, so I got into the...
  • Dylan's Attitude

    The following is a post from May 2, 2001: "Dylan has been whining an awful lot. I know that he does it mostly for attention. I feel guilt because I am almost positive that he does this because we have to put so much time and energy into...
  • Bullying in Headstart

    Originally posted on April 16, 2001 "Damien got his hand smashed with a shovel at school! I have had many talks with the teacher about Damien being picked on at school. I do realize that he is different and may bring some of this...
  • Damien's Ladybugs

    When Damien was young, his key interest was dinosaurs. Our home was covered with dinosaurs, and almost everything that Damien owned had to do with dinosaurs. I learned to use this to our advantage, and it was through books about dinosaurs that Damien...
  • Autism Is A World Video

    Autistic does not mean mental retardation. Susie was thought to be mentally retarded with the age equivalency of 2.5 years old. This misconception about individuals with autism is common. However, once Susie learned to communicate, her IQ level was well...
  • COBPD (Childhood Onset Bipolar Disorder)

    "All those with bipolar disorder experience mood swings that alternate from periods of sever highs (mania) to severe lows (depression). However, while these abnormally intense moods usually last for weeks or months in adults with the illness, children...
  • Seizures

    Many people do not realize that most children with autism may also have a seizure disorder. Back when we first moved to Texas, we had difficulty getting professionals to diagnose Damien's autism. Though he had been diagnosed at 16 months of age in...
  • Reading Faces

    "Momma, are you happy, or sad, or just joking?" ~ Damien Like most children with autism, Damien has difficulty reading non-verbal cues. It is often difficult for him to be able to tell how a person is feeling, acting, or reacting just...
  • The Nurse

    Damien and Dylan had to go into the doctor's office the other day for their yearly thyroid profiles. Also, because of all the meds that Damien is presently on, he had to get a liver profile as well. Furthermore, we are approaching the time of year...
  • Nickname

    Damien has earned himself a new nickname at school. Damien's friend: "What is your favorite ice cream flavor?" Damien: "Snowflake."