Research Study on Parent Led Autism Support Groups (Carlos J Carmona Walden University Student)

I’m looking for participants to fill out a demographics
questionnaire, screening questionnaire, and participate in
a brief phone interview. Participants will receive a $25
Visa gift card after the interview as an incentive.
My study examines the influence that parent led support groups have in
facilitating advocacy skills for parents of children with autism. My study
involves parent led support groups and the mechanism by which these
groups facilitate advocacy. The literary research indicates that parent led
support groups provide emotional support, informational support,
appraisal support, instrumental support and the groups also facilitate
There is very little research into the relationship between parent led
support groups and parental advocacy. I would like to examine this and
also give parents a voice through my study. The literature indicates that
there is a need for more research. I believe my study will help
facilitators of the groups and also professionals understand the value of
parent led support groups and the perspectives of parent led support
group members.
If you would like more information contact me at
Thank you! Carlos J Carmona, (405)503-4995
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board,
Walden University. You may contact Dr. Leilani Endicott, the Walden University representative who can discuss this with you. The phone number is 612-312-1210.
Walden University’s approval number for this study is 01-04-16-0063040 and it
expires on January 3, 2017 .