Natural treatments for anxiety

Hi. I'm looking for insights on herbs, vitamins, enzymes, aminos that others have tried for their little one's and what's worked for them. I know about valerian, calcium, SAM-e...what else have you tried & what's in safe toxicity limits? Son is a 5year old Aspie.

~ Jennifer
  • Spirulina in powder form with orange juice leaves a green moustache that has my kids running for the mirror. It also gives them just about anything they need. You too.
  • Thanks Heather, I know it as a 'superfood' but did not know it had any calming properties. Thanks again!
  • A little lavender oil on the forehead is calming. I just crush a flower between fingers and rub fingers on my forehead. Otherwise lullabys and reading to my kids works a treat. Sometimes it's not what we give them but what we do with them that makes the difference.
  • Have you tried GABA?I have used it,and Valerian root.Passion flower.
  • I would agree with you wholeheartedly about 'it's what we do". We do as much as well can at home. A large portion of the behavioral responses are at school with the teachers, aids, and schoolmates. Listening to Faith has made me more aware of the possibility that residual copper can provoke irritability. I'm just beginning to learn about naturopathic treatments for Aspies. I did not know it could be accumulating in his system due to an inability to 'pass' it. Order some more Zeolite and a round of SAM-e. Got my fingers crossed they come soon.
  • Hi Faith! Will be working my way through GABA and Passion flower next! Just learning the options. Tried valerian already. Not very effective for him.
  • Yes you are quite right Jennifer our kids tend to accumulate and keep most of the metals in their system.This along with not eating the foods they need for proper nutrition makes for more trouble when they aren't able to digest and wind up malnourished.Throw in poor sleeping habits and well when your whole system is messed up it's no wonder our kids have issues in many areas.