Autistic mother fighting "DISCRIMINATION" by a corrupt system CPS who kidnapped two autistic girls.

In April 2009 I was in a deep depression and was placed on a 5150 NEVER was I asked to call someone to pick up my girls 10 & 12 @ the time. CPS came in and took them, it's now 19 months later and my girls are still gone. I spent 3 day's in the hospital and thrown out with no follow up plan. I was diagnosed AFTER my girls were taken with a mild form of Aspergers & major depressive disorder but NEVER was I offered any kind of treatment nor was I ever offered reunification services. My own parent's have been denied custody due to that fact they don't want me having any contact. I have raised a adult daughter 26 yrs. old. Both my younger girls both have forms of autism as well. My youngest who was on a wheat & gluten free diet of 5 yrs. that transformed her aggressive behavior & cleaned up blood in her stool was taken off by social services and now being feed wheat and due to behavior issues have put her on psychotropic medications, she has been physically abused in foster care being bitten by a adult in the home. My older daughter was placed in a home with same sex parent's and after she became uncomfortable being raised by me in a christian home she threatened to run away but social services told her "now that you know their sexual preference won't you just stay their" she was moved eventually. She was then placed on a airlines while in "protective care" to visit her grandparent's but as I begged to give her a cell phone they said "No, due to you having no phone contact but she will have someone with her." My daughter was placed on that flight ALONE no money,no cell phone and left @ L.A. airport for a two-hour layover. I was livid, and in total shock. If she had been kidnapped, raped & murdered she would of been just another CPS case with no fault on their part. My adult daughter has tried to get her sisters to no a veal, my mother;s house was approved not once but twice and still no kids. The girls who have NEVER been placed together and been placed 4 different times. Now due to CPS & lies in countless report's I am being alienated from my children it's been a total of 6 months in the 19 months they have been gone. The emotional trauma I am sure my girls are facing, not only because their autistic but they only knew a loving,caring wonderful parent. I am in such disbelief this can go on and they literally get away with criminal act's and violation of all our constitutional right's as American citizens. I am a mother, a wonderful caring parent that met every single need and then some for all my children. My youngest was born premature and came home @ only 4 lbs. and never could I imagine the next 7 yrs. would be spent in and out of hospitals but I was their every single time and never once had CPS involved. Please follow my story and share it with the world in hopes of someone who cares just enough to help me and get involved. I have no drug problem and I am no alcoholic just a disability that CPS cowards are using for their ability. People with autistic children hear up as this is going on in America~!! I need support, I need answers, I need direction so if their is that caring heart out their please contact me @ [email protected] and I will appreciate anything. Give a mother justice in a world of despair just because I have Asperger's yet I live alone,pay all my own bills,drive my own car I pay for,cook for myself, hold a part time job how can I be incapable of raising my own children ? Thanks & God bless you all San Diego,CA