This is my last blog - I have failed my son

I have contacted every advocate, referral, and anything else that might help my son. I turned over every rock possible and came up empty handed.

I had a court appointed attorney that did not fight for my case.

Instead of seeing my case for what it was, a mom desperate to help her son, they took my son and put him in foster care. I get two supervised visits a week and mean time my son is getting worse. His behavior is at an all time high with the police being called several times.

But I failed my son, he is in foster care and might be able to come home in a year, but is in desperate need of residential care...

  • awwwwwwwwwwwww wndy hun i know right now u feel low hun but lease dont give up fight all the way keep going climb to the top of that mountain hugggggs im thinking of you xx

  • I`m sorry for you and your son.Have you ever tried a holistic approach?The DAN protocol?I found myself in this same situation 11 years ago.It was almost to the point of them taking my son away.At that time,they found he had a chromosome abnormality,so that is probably what saved me.Taking a holistic approach is what saved him,becasue I`m quite sure he would have died.He was failure to thrive.So sickly and underweight.I tried in vain to put weight on him.Finally,I learned he had several food allergies.I took him off those foods and added some supplements,and slowly,he got better.Not only was he sickly before,but also had seziures and severe behavior problems.All got better with a holistic approach.I know many are so sick of me saying this,but in some cases,it is the only hope.I wish you luck.

  • The Autism research Institute is another good place to look.Yes,Asperger`s is autism.High functioning autism,but it is still autism.The point is,they can help him,where the mental health professionals have failed.They treat autism as a mental health problem,and it isn`t.It is a bio-medical illness.

  • Maybe i worded it wrong.Bio-med treats the co-morbid conditions that can accompany ASD.Where mainstream medicine does not treat co morbid conditions.Once these conditions are addressed,you see much improvement in behavior and health.

  • I dont know what to say .

  • That's kind of how I felt letstalk.


    I hope,

    if there is a way to bring him home,

    you find it Wendy.

  • Wendy.  Check out  I am doing this with my son with AS and the results are dramatic!  It is research based and it works!

  • wow...i have really no words but that! what state are you in? what exactly was the "reason" for the state removing him? im furious about this. what a horrible thing to happen amongst all you are coping with.