• David Garrett

    There's a connection a frequency that I tune into and become totally engrossed in...it totally resonates through my soul....music expresses all I can't.  It heals me and excites me!  That being said one of my fave instruments to hea...
    • 17 Feb 2016
  • True autism awareness

    Well my own autism journey started years ago and my children not quite as long ago but it's been exciting, excruciating and enlightening! I have shared my truths of autism, spoke in front of others, brought forward suggestions in dealing with oth...
    • 5 Apr 2015
  • "Differently ABLED" ---Change the words..help change the thinking.

    Recently i was asked to be part of a meeting that was discussing someone whom i have assisted/supported in the past to help make suggestions for the future for this person.It astounds me that still in our day and age in the 21st century how so many p...
    • 1 Nov 2012
  • The Secret Place by Dennis Lee

    There's a place i go, inside myself, Where nobody else can be, And none of my friends can tell it's there--- Nobody knows but me. It's hard to explain the way it feels, Or even where I go. It isn't a place in time or space, B...
    • 31 Oct 2012
  • Million Dollar Neigborhood.....oh if we all only were part of that our world would be a nicer place!!

    There was a show series i watched that really touched me and it showed how much a community pulled together and helped everyone to benefit to become part of their community.Some helped the unemployed find work or new positions that would benefit them...
    • 2 Jul 2012
  • When life feels like a jello mold that somebody just ran a fork through..

    This is a strange blog because of everything being off right now...within me and around me.Living in a delicate state of mind and spirit and when something is entirely out of order my life thus becomes the same.Really it's like making your fave j...
    • 8 Mar 2012
  • Truth of Consquences while Mis(sing) Communication @ Time

    I must learn to listen and not just be hearing.I must learn to speak and not just be told i can.Words are much more than that behind the meanings that come in verbal form.If i don't connect my body to what i am doing i probably won't know you...
    • 11 Feb 2012
  • Shingebiss

    My middle daughter is speaking on this topic for her Ojibwa native storytelling legend this year.It is based on the Merganser diving duck and how the Winter Maker tries to kill(starve,freeze and drown) this little fishing creature as it's the onl...
    • 7 Feb 2012
  • IN Sight and/or DIS torted!!!

    The reason behind this blog is because someone i care about is experiencing some struggles and this affects their whole family....NOT just their child learning abilities...and their future ones.The ones life lessons give us will always be off kilter ...
    • 31 Jan 2012
  • A giving of thanks for being so blessed with a cousin who brought laughter into my life!!

    Today is Thanksgiving in the states and one of my American cousins has lost her battle with HIV.My cousin Maria recently lost her life but also brought life and laughter to many she met.She had an infectious laugh (you know the kind that people stop ...
    • 24 Nov 2011
  • ..."stress" the positives that you love about them.They know the "negatives" already they hear/feel them all the time from everyone else

    Without going into too many deep negative details of my childhood experiences i thought i would add this into my blog because after reading some posts there is one thing i would like to "stress" the importance of.Everything we say to/about ...
    • 23 Jul 2011
  • Beloved boy....Hugs and tugs of heartstrings

    Revealing secrets that hidden treasures buried deep within...Father time possesses. Your half smirk.. sideways glance hearty chuckles attaching jokes that make no sense. Show of warmness from the truest cuddles one so tender and sincere.  You...
    • 7 Jul 2011
  • to Steve!!My bro..........

    Today we saw everyone cry and wish you well for the final time...we recalled your life and remembered what you meant to us!!Sometimes it takes a tragedy to have us realize that the future is a little less bright because you won't be in it. Cel...
    • 3 Dec 2010
  • Life lessons revisited-My Legacy ??

    Today i had some astounding experiences and wish to make record them before i forget them.One was my son attending a summertime children production and how well he handled it.The crowd,the noise and staying in one spot.NO meltdowns and NO problems--s...
    • 3 Dec 2010
  • Caring for the caregiver.......

    Today i attended an all day seminar on the importance of caring for ourselves and it made me realize that sometimes as individuals caring for the needs of others how often this goes overlooked.I related to this not only as a parent but also as someon...
    • 27 Nov 2010

    I am special.In all the world there's nobody like me. Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like me.Nobody has my smile.Nobody has my eyes,my nose,my voice.I'm special. No one can be found who has my handwriti...
    • 13 Oct 2010
  • My Little Turtle......(Our family totem so like his shell fits him perfectly)

    My little turtle carries his shell upon his back to hide inside when frightened or tired. He treads wherever catches his whim survives alone though others of his kind exist. He suns himself--prefers to swim in solitude as he accepts himself this wa...
    • 6 May 2010
  • Please think before you prey/post.....Be a soldier fighting for HOPE,sensitivity,kindness,understanding......may those be your shield

    Most of the world is far from accepting let alone understanding as we have all experienced from our past mistakes.They find faults in others yet never acknowledge that may possess some.Many people tend to prey upon vulnerability/weakness with a sense...
    • 18 Apr 2010
  • The sweetest bouquet.....

    Today i was given one of the nicest/beautiful bouquets from one of the children i work with.He is only 4 and has little to no verbal language but he has the sweetest smile.We were out for the second recess break today and he came up to me with one of...
    • 14 Apr 2010
  • Happy Belated Easter and Spring!!!

    Just wanted to wish all here on ASN a Happy Easter!!! And if Easter doesn't apply-- then a joyous Spring!! A time for new growth,beautiful days and wonderful joining of the very best life offers to ourselves and others.Excited to be back as much ...
    • 5 Apr 2010
  • The Two Wolves (Cherokee)

    I recently read this and wanted to share it as i found it very useful.It gives the idea to which i see many things in my life perhaps you will relate to it too. One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside peo...
    • 29 Aug 2009
  • A Dragonfly Day!! And Lightening Bug Nights..........

    When the weather is comfortably warm sunny and the smell of sweetgrass in the air.White billowing clouds race across the azure sky and a bit of wind gusts through the trees.Sparkle on the blue of the river--boats float by to unknown destinations and ...
    • 29 Jun 2009
  • My 9 yr old Daughter wins the Art Award !!!!!!!!!

    Just wanted to post some good news.My youngest daughter has won the art award for her class and age division at school!! She does have loads of talent and loves drawing/painting and anything art related. The prize was not just a certificate but al...
    • 25 Jun 2009
  • A good Canadian autism video to watch if you haven't already.......

    This blog really isn't about me(well it kind of is more of a want of mine) but soon there is a meeting at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania that i wish I could attend called "Autreat " from June 29-July 3.It is endorsed by The ...
    • 23 Jun 2009
  • A tremendous outing!!

    Recently I helped to chaperone my son's end of year field trip.It was busy and of course parents who said they would help backed out at the last minute but I thought this sounds fun and wanted to take part.Not only for my boy to give us both a wo...
    • 18 Jun 2009