• Tantrum on Aisle 9

    Have you ever been to Walmart or Toys R Us and witnessed a child that was screaming or having a tantrum on the floor? I’m sure we all have. And if honest, most of you would say that your first thought was for the caregiver to disci...
    • 11 Jul 2014
  • Floortime works wonders!

    I have started using DIR/Floortime with a set of twins that are two years old &  without a diagnosis. They have gained more eye contact, engagement with the therapist, play skills with various toys, and more attention to the enviro...
    • 4 Nov 2011
  • The 10 Commandments of Parenting a Child with Autism

    1) You shall seek out therapists.   Specifically those in Occupational/Physical/Speech Therapy, and ABA) to help facilitate your child's skills and address various behavior problems. With the diagnosis of Autism are typically deficit...
    • 1 Jul 2011
  • Somethings Are Worth Fighting For

    As a service provider for children with Autism and a variety of diagnoses over the past 7 years, just understand that somethings are worth fighting for. No loving parent would sit back and watch their child drown to death. Instead, you would do all ...
    • 9 May 2011