Random thoughts of the day!

This is my first blog so go easy on me lol!! 

I've been sitting with my son Theo today proud as punch as he's getting so clever with his colours, speech, money recognition, character recognition etc.  He really is doing so well with his communication and understanding of feelings, both his own and other peoples.  I tell him every day how proud of him I am and how much I love him.  How I would never ever change him for the world, he is Mum and Dad's clever lad and he's doing so fantastic with his learning.  I started to think back to times where people haven't understood.

The other week we were out for the day and in a certain chain fast food restaurant and the family at the table next to ours started looking at me while I was praising T.
"Fantastic waiting!!  Dad'll be here soon!"
"Burger, Chips, Juice, Toy, Home" Theo responded giving me the thumbs up.
"No Bubbs, Burger, Chips, Juice, Toy, Shopping, Home" I said showing him the PEC's cards in order.  He repeated the tasks in order and gave me the thumbs up again, I gave him thumbs up and he sat and stared off into space while he continued his "fantastic waiting".

Theo's speech isn't all that clear, it's mostly noises for words and if you don't know him you'd struggle to know what he was meaning.  He does understand EVERYTHING that's said round about him tho!!

The family next to us however sat looking at Theo strangely, the little boy that was with them whispered to who i assume was the father, who as clear as day responded so that everyone sitting around us could hear, "The child is obviously backwards, he'll go to one of them idiots schools".

Keeping my calm was difficult, I admit fully!!  I turned to him and said "Excuse me Sir, I'd just like to confirm with you that my son does infact go to a school that is specifically for autistic children, However I'd also like to point out that my son obviously has learned a hell of a lot more in his 9 years of life than you have in however many years you have had.  My son has never ever been rude or disrespectful towards anyone and to be honest with you, saying something like that to your son about another innocent child is disgusting, you're encouraging your son to treat people that are more interesting and different from your "norm" to discriminate against them.  I'd also like to thank you for reminding me that I'm a very special person to have been given such a unique person to be a loving Mother too, some people just wouldn't be up to the job".

Theo just looked at the little boy and handed him the toy that Dad had just appeared with on the tray of food, "Goo boy, asty man - sohee".  (Good boy, Nasty Man - Sorry)

The family decided to make their meal an eat out meal.  Theo sat and fully enjoyed his meal, receiving some pocket money from some of the people that were sat round about us that heard what the awful man had said and watched Theo's reaction.

I honestly couldn't be more proud of Theo for reacting in that way and staying nice to the little boy.  The father's reaction I honestly feel that it's lack of information and education amongst older generations.  

I would love to have little business cards made up with a website address "Autism for beginners" and give them a little bit of knowledge about what they've been discriminatory about!!  

I would change Theo for nothing and no one - I'll change my pride in him for nothing and no one, even if it's just a babystep forwards it's still progression!!  
  • Welcome to ASN Mandz ,nice to meet you .YOU and your son are both amazing and i am really proud of you xx

  • Hey there!!  Thank you so much for the lovely welcome!!  I've gotta say I've been in the chat a couple of times and everyone on this site are so lovely and friendly!!  Thank you again fantastic peoples!!  :D  XxXxX

  • Thankyou for your story. You are great advocates for autism awareness

  • Mandz, reading your blog brought tears to my eyes. I can honestly say that you handled that situation FAR better than I would have AND you have obviously taught your little boy what it means to be tolerant and compassionate. I sincerely hope that that man's son doesn't learn his intolerance and dis-compassion. Kudos to both you and your son!!!

    p.s. there is a site, www.vistaprint.com that you can design and order free business cards through! I'm not sure if they service outside of the USA or not (though I think they do) but you could most definitely make those business cards, for free (up to a certain amount) and only pay shipping on them!!!