• Short, low effort post. Just fed up.

    Just venting my frustrations I guess. For anyone who's seen my blogs before, you know I'm quite articulate and well written, but I don't feel this way currently. There was a time where I was contacted by this website to write a we...
    • 11 Apr 2015
  • Created Kick the Stigma Against Autism campaign

    Along with my post here about creating a petition against the media, I have also written 2 blogs now and started a campaign. I feel really strongly about this and so your support is needed! I have launched my campaign on Twitter. You can...
    • 16 Dec 2012
  • I have created a petition against CNN for their demonising of Autism

    Hi everyone, So I know I said last time, and few times before that - that I wasn't going anywhere... and then I did. I am sorry, there was a time where I was such an active member that I was writing on a regular basis for the newsletter. ...
    • 15 Dec 2012
  • Quick update

    Hey Everyone, Just a quick note to say thanx for all your support Im not going anywhere Still lots happening and most of it not good but i'll post a proper update again within the next few days. ~Lara~
    • 19 Dec 2010
  • Melt downs - An insiders view

    Hi Everyone, For those of you who read my last post you will know that I am currently undergoing a huge change in my life and under a massive amount of stress. I am in a new country and living with 3 other people where I am used to only livin...
    • 14 Dec 2010
  • Lost and in need of support

    Hi Everyone, Firstly let me apologise for the swearing in my last entry. I really am in a bad place and am not coping at all. I am in a new county and for the first time in my life living with people - rather than just my mum. I am shari...
    • 12 Dec 2010
  • Change

    Hi everyone, So I haven't been on this site in months - possibly well over a yr .... or 2.... BUT im back now. I joined in late 08 I think and the timing was really bad. I joined - became obsessed to the point where th...
    • 9 Dec 2010
  • Sorry People

    I have been a naughty girl and been neglecting this blog!!! Have been really busy and really tired but i'll try n get back into the loop lol. Went on a tour of the local Hospital yesterday fro my TAFE lab tech course.... Gross buttt.... ...
    • 14 Mar 2009
  • Clubbing, Tafe and random things lol

    Hi everyone, Im going to see someone about my bi-pola tomorrow so will up date you on all that very soon. I went out to Hobart (capital of my state) on Saturday night to see Carl Cox. He was voted world number 1 DJ in 1997 I think. Omg it was a...
    • 17 Feb 2009
  • Angry!

    Hi everyone, firstly i'll just let you know that im going to see someone to find out if I might have Bi-Pola and will post up what happened so anyone who is thinking along the same lines can have some inside info, will also do some research an...
    • 11 Feb 2009
  • Awww you guys are sweet

    Hi everyone, I read back my last post and thought god I must have been rambling on something shocking. Then I read your comments. I was feeling a bit silly about what I posted, but now I know its helped people and it wasnt just a silly rant. ...
    • 22 Jan 2009
  • 18

    Hi everyone, Sorry its been a while since i updated. Iv been a bit busy and things have been slightly hetic lol. Me and my mum have bought some new furniture so that took a few car trips and we also got a new cat. Iv also turned 18 which is ki...
    • 19 Jan 2009
  • Hardest thing about having AS

    Hi everyone Kmdd22 posted a comment asking me what I think is the hardest thing about living with AS. Well I suppose it is different for everyone but for me personally its learning the social skills. Ever since I can remember I have been told o...
    • 29 Dec 2008
  • Xmas time

    Hi everyone, I hope you all had an awesome xmas! Thought id let you know about mine. I got some really good pressies Camera Mobile phone Books Bracelet Chocolates and some other small things Went to my brothers gfs parents house for ...
    • 26 Dec 2008
  • Merry Christmas

    Hi everyone, I updated a few days ago but my mum turned off the computer before it had posted so i'll have to type it up again after xmas. (doesnt that bug you when someone does that). Just wishing everyone a merry christmas and a happy new...
    • 24 Dec 2008
  • 1st entry - Welcome

    Hi, So this is my new blog. I'll try to update it as frequently as possible. Please feel free to leave your comments and questions. If you want me to write about anything in particular then let me know. I'll do my best to offer my opinions...
    • 20 Dec 2008