• my diagnosis

    I finally went to go get the testing done today. I would have gone ages ago but the insurance was causing lots of issues. The doctor said that she agrees with me that i have aspergers but she wants to go over the test results just to make sure. I wil...
    • 1 Apr 2015
  • some lessons i've learned

    For most of my life, it bothered me that i was so different from anyone else. But I find that it bothers me a lot less now. I've learnt to accept myself as I am and i know that i am just the way G-d wanted me to be. I keep working on myself and s...
    • 19 Feb 2015
  • a poem

    This is a poem about special people. I love this poem very much and so decided i wanted to share it. It doesn't necessarily apply to me but i know that there are many people out there who can relate to it.Here it is: I have trouble with my w...
    • 1 Dec 2014
  • update

    Things have been getting better for me lately. I started a new motivation system for me and it's been working really well. i've been wanting to make some changes in my lifestyle for a long time but have just never been able to break out of th...
    • 30 Oct 2014
  • Holiday blues

    My brother and sister-in-law came to visit with their kids. i love having my nieces and nephews around (they're always lots of fun!) but it can be hard sometimes too. I've had to share a room with my sister which isn't all that bad except...
    • 19 Oct 2014
  • think positive

    Most people don't know how much I struggle because most of it is inside. People take it for granted that i can do everything that other girls my age do and then wonder when i do struggle. i've tried to explain to people but they just dont get...
    • 13 Oct 2014
  • My story

    I am a young woman who has diagnosed herself with Asperger's. i hope to get an official diagnosis someday soon. I come from a big family with lots of brothers and sisters, but i always knew that i was different somehow. when i finally diagnosed m...
    • 12 Oct 2014