It is very sad to say, but families in certain states in this country does not get the help they need and the time of from working to car for their disable children and get paid for doing so.  One of these states is Georgia.  This state is said to be the worst in the union in assisting families with special needs.  I believe this because I live in this state, and my sons were born here.

This state expects us to go out of our homes to work, and rather pay a stranger to come into our homes to take care of our sick children/child who our children/child do not know to care for them, instead of paying us the parents who are the right ones who can care for our children/child, and know their needs to better care for them more than any other person can. Knowing how evil the world is today, and the trust in people, I see no reason why we as parents can not be the ones paid to care for our children.  At least, we can intern hire someone to come in while we are at home.   Everyday on the news; we hear about the mistreatment of our special needs children and the elderly when left with people who the state pays to care for them, and how things are stolen from the homes they serve, sad to say but some even die from the treatment they give our children and the elderly because they can not help themselves in the absences of the parents and other family members.  

I believe it is time for us as parents and caregivers to dialog with our different states about this issue.  It is very hard for some of us to hold a descent job and come home at the end of the day to care for our children/child.  No one knows what we go though each day having to care for our children/child if you don't have a special child, and especially being a single parent.  Sometimes your own family turn their backs on you, and most churches care less about these children in their mist.  I speak this from experience.  I was lucky to find one church who cares, infect, it is not the church it's my Sunday school class.  They have really shown their love for me and my sons, and I more than appreciate and love them.

In as much as other organizations can go before their state government and the federal government we can too even though we have, but not for the issue of paying us directly, as parents to care for our children/child.   No on can care for our precious special needs better than us. 

I pray that you all will realize my point, and let us do something about it.  Our children are forgotten about.  We must let this country and the world know they are children too, and deserve the same care as others.

We must love our children. They are God's special gift to every family that has a special child/children.  We may not understand it now, but I believe one day soon God will display him glory just like he says, if we believe and keep our faith in Him we will see his Glory.  It is hard I do understand that, but I BELIEVE AND TRUST IN GOD.  I also have FAITH IN HIM.        
