The Effects of Autism on Communication: Annotated Bibliography

Attwood, Dr. Tony. “Albert Einstein, Andy Kaufman, and Andy Warhol: The Controversial Disorder They May Have Shared.” Biography Magazine. Dec. 2003: 86-88,114.

Many people that others may feel is strange or unusual may have been afflicted with autism. Dr. Tony Attwood seems to feel this is the case with celebrities such as Albert Einstein, Andy Kaufman, and Andy Warhol. Attwood walks us through one of the many autism spectrum disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome. This is a high functioning autism. I will relate many of his points to what we have noticed in Damien’s communication skills and abilities.

“Autism.” ASHA. May 1994: 83.

This text is a secondary source. The article explains in detail the cause and diagnosis of autism. The article also explains how the developmental disorder affects the communication needs of those afflicted with the disorder. I will use this article to help me with this explanation.

Baird, Gillian, Simon Baron-Cohen, Tony Charman, Antony Cox, Auriol Drew, and John Swettenham. “Predicting Language Outcome in Infants with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.” International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. July-Sep 2003: 265-285.

This text is a secondary source. It is compiled of research done on a worldwide scale of the effects of autism on young children. The research was compiled in order to determine if the language abilities of autistic adults could be predicted from their language abilities as infants. A direct correlation in the studies has been noted in this article. I will use this source to explain how important social interaction with adults is to infants afflicted with autism spectrum disorders.

Baron-Cohen, Simon. “Need to Know Autism.” Pulse. 16 Feb 2006: 40-43.

Professor Simon Baron-Cohen walks the reader through frequently asked questions on autism and autism spectrum disorders. These questions include topics such as causes for autism, the rise in the amount of people diagnosed with autism, possible risks to siblings, the prevelance of autism, etc. I do not think I will use this source in my research paper because it only mentions the affects of autism on patients in one small section.

Brown, Michael. Personal Interview. 2007.

This interview will be a secondary source in my paper. I have not performed the interview yet, however, I plan for the interview to explain the difficulties many autistic children face with written language, what kind of therapies are commonly needed for these people, and whether these problems can occur throughout adulthood.

Cowley, Geoffrey. “Understanding Autism.” Newsweek. 31 July 2000: 46-54.

This text is a secondary source for my paper. The article gives a detailed description of what autism is, what symptoms autistic children have, how prevalent the disorder is, and treatments for autism. The article also explains how autism effects all types of language: verbal, non-verbal, and written. Since I also plan to explain the effects of autism on all types of communication, this source is an essential part to my paper.

Craig, Holly K., and Ann Sexton Telfer. “Hyperlexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder A Case Study of Scaffolding Language Growth Over Time.” Topics in Language Disorders. Oct-Dec 2005: 364-374.

This is a secondary source for my research paper. This is a case study about a young man that has developmental disorder that causes only single-word recognition and diminished comprehension skills. It teaches clinicians how to use what language skills those with autism have and how to use their skills to build new skills. I plan to use this case study to explain how important social interaction is to the development of future needed language skills of autistic individuals.

Gross, Thomas F. “Global-Local Precedence in the Perception of Facial Age and Emotional Expression by Children with Autism and other Developmental Disabilities.” Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders. Dec 2005: 773-785.

This is a secondary source for my research paper. Gross explores the inability of most autistic people to read facial expressions. He tells us that autistic patients can be taught how to appropriately use facial expressions. I will use this source to explain how important reading facial expressions are to communication and how the inability to do so can be a significant problem for those with autism spectrum disorders.

National Institute of Mental Health. Autism Spectrum Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders).  <http: autism.cfm="autism.cfm" publicat="publicat""">

This publication is a secondary source of my paper. It gives detailed information on what autism is, how prevalent autism is, how autism effects every aspect of those afflicted with the disorder, how to diagnose autism, possible causes for autism, etc. I plan to use this publication to explain how autism can affect communication skills of individuals afflicted.

Niebelski, Dr. Andrzej L. Personal Interview. 13 Sep. 2005.

This interview with Dr. Niebelski explains the importance of Damien to attend public school. In the interview he explains to me that this kind of social interaction is what Damien needs to help develop his communication skills.