I am looking for people to connect with. I am currently 30 years old (have pretty serious allergy issues) and a host of other health conditions (such as Aspergers) just looking to link up with other people. I like nature, walking, photography, video games, electronics, tech, learning, languages, news, history to just about anything. I am definitely introverted and I tend to put a lot of emphasis on things such as people's feelings and I enjoy listening to others. I look forward to hearing from you, hope you are well! Chris
I am 28 years old and also have Asperger's. I am a graduate student at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro where I am currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Library Studies. I have a ton of interests and am always up for making a new friend. I'm originally from northern California. I have been feeling down since this pandemic started since life now is mostly studying and sheltering at home. Otherwise it is a pretty good life although I would dearly like to have a girlfriend. Not sure exactly how to get one of those in these times. What State do you live in? It helps to talk to people. One of the fun things I do is attend (virtually of course) an Asperger's movie meet-up group on line . It is every Saturday night at 10:00 p.m. Might be something you want to look into? I can send you the link if you're interested! Nils
49, Autistic/Asperger's/PDD-NOS. Feeling isolated, blue, and not the best at coming up with the right words to say. How are you doing, Renee? My head is spinning.