late diagnosis of what?

Hey there.....I have a 19 year old just diagnosed with ASD. He is ADHD for many years and that was always our focus. He did fine thru high school---except on the social side. He went off to college and had a miserable first year experience. We couldn't figure out what had gone wrong and his therapist tried everything she knew over the last year to work with him and things just didn't click. Now we know why. But I am confused what to do now---so much of what I know is how to work with much younger children. What about someone older who has just been diagnosed? Where do start? What do we look for in a therapist? I appreciate any ideas.
  • I just read your post. this is the same situation that I am in...except my son does not have ADHD.

    Here is my recent post:
    My 19 year old son was recently diagnosed with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, or Aspergers. We have been struggling to help him since graduating High School to find a direction. We are not sure what way to turn, but trying different therapists etc has been sort of a dead end. We have been recommended to send him to a Therapeutic Wilderness Camp. It is so much money that we are struggling to find the funding and resources to send him. He seems to be getting worse as time goes on with out the structure of school or work, but suffers so much anxiety that he cant seem to move forward.

    What have you found that works lately?
  • my son also started college, living in a dorm and with in a few months completely shut down. He stopped going to class, did not tell anyone, and now he is living at home.

    We have tried months of different therapists and just 2 weeks ago finally got him tested psychologically.

    His psychologist recommends sending him to a intensive therapeutic wilderness camp, which we are about to do.

    They also recommended using an Educational Consultant to help with the transition to Adulthood . Look up IECA for one in your area. They are very knowledgeable and have expert advice.
  • Hi grayhaired mom:

    My son is 42 years old and wasn't dianosed with Austim until his 20's. He had been in special education until 6th grade with everything else under the sun. Then I read an article about Asberger than I knew what he had. But according to the doctor he's PDD. He has a degree in computer and can't do anything with it as it's older than the hill. He went back to community college and taking course to get a certification in network/security. He lives on his own in a HUDD building and on SSA disability.

    Here my ideas for you call the autsim society and see what programs are in your area. The community colleges/colleges have special programs for people with Austim. Here in Maryland we've Towson Univeristy Hussman center for Austim which has a program classes and a camp. Community College has a program, too. Each college or community have a disability counselor which gives a student extra time on test etc. Apply for SSI as he's 19 years old your income doesn't count. Find services in your area in Maryland there is funding through the state. Which helps get services. Also vocational rehabilition has programs it didn't help with us.

    It's hard for our adult children because some experts!!! think Austim goes away after 21 years old. I'd that experience. I'm still fighting for him when necessary. Today the agency we've has set up a phone interview for a temporary for Robert to work through. I don't feel it a good fit for someone on the scale as the position could last a week etc. I've reported this agency three times and Now after 3 years they're finally doing something. Because they've too but it won't work. I'm tying to get into another agency that deals with just adults who have Autsim but it small and we're on the waiting list.

    Hope this helps and please e-mail back.

    Woolfie (Harriet)
  • Ha ha ha - someone "older" - at 19? I am 68 and just got diagnosed! Sorry, not to offend, I know this is a struggle for you - just wanted to give some perspective. He has his whole life ahead of him - there is a huge mountain of info and help out there for you to help him navigate. You're probably tired - I get that. You've already done a great job of getting him this far, and you will find what you need if you persist.
  • HI,

    Just saw your post even though it is an older one. I have a son who has Asperger's and is a young adult.  I have some ideas and also want to connect with parents who are similarly situated. I live in North Carolina and can be best reached at my mail address:

    [email protected]


  • Hi, I had a later diagnosis than him. I didn't get diagnosed until after I graduated when stress had me by the hands. I managed to get through college because of how easy it was to register for classes. Class registration was easy and neat since it was online. The most difficult thing that I found was keeping up with the financial aid paperwork and my parents helped me with it so it made college a lot easier. Maybe he needs support on that side too. Have you asked him what he was having a difficult time with? 

    The problem with roommates is that they will party and be inconsiderate of resting time. I had a few places to go and I lived on campus. Eventually I had to get my own place so I ended up renting an apartment unit not far from campus. I use to major in Architecture so I was either in the dorm room or at my studio and then later on started visiting the library on campus. I have Asperger's Syndrome and I am diagnosed with two different forms of anxiety, major depression, and ADHD. I have dyslexia too, but its not diagnosed. I wrote pretty quickly and wrote everything the professors said to avoid reading. The only reading I ever had to do were homework problems.

    Practice organization early on. I kept all my notes in a binder and my classes, if there were PDF versions, were saved in their own course folders. Spiral notebooks make me uncomfortable but I can put up with them sometimes. I don't know what else I can share right now. 

  • I know I just regurgitated my college experience. Let me know if you have any other questions.